What was the type of currency during the renaissance?

In much of western Europe, the gold florin was a standard currency used in international trade. However, individual countries had their own internal currencies.

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During the Renaissance, the type of currency used varied depending on the region and city-state. However, the most commonly used currency was gold and silver coins.

To find out more about the currency used during the Renaissance, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for information on the Renaissance period. Look for reputable sources such as history books, academic journals, or reliable websites dedicated to art and history.

2. In your search, include keywords such as "currency," "money," or "financial system" alongside "Renaissance" to narrow down the results to the specific topic you are interested in.

3. Look for sources that provide information about the economy during the Renaissance. These sources may include details about the various currencies used, their value, and their circulation.

4. Pay attention to the specific regions or city-states you are researching, as currency could differ across these locations. For example, the florin was a popular currency in Florence, while the ducat was widely used in Venice.

5. When referencing sources, ensure they are reliable and based on scholarly research. Academic sources and books written by experts in Renaissance history are generally trustworthy.

Remember, research is an ongoing process, and it's always good to consult multiple sources to obtain a well-rounded understanding of the topic.