A cylindrical can has a volume of 5625π cubic centimeters. Its height is 25 centimeters. What is the radius of the can? Use the formula V=πr^2h

pi r^2 h = pi r^2 * 25

so, r^2 = 225
Now you can find r easily.

To find the radius of the cylindrical can, we can rearrange the formula V = πr^2h to solve for r.

V = 5625π cubic centimeters
h = 25 centimeters

Substituting the given values into the formula, we get:
5625π = πr^2 * 25

Next, we can simplify the equation by dividing both sides by π and 25:
5625π / (π * 25) = r^2

Simplifying further:
225 = r^2

Now, to find the radius, we take the square root of both sides:
√225 = √(r^2)

This gives us:
15 = r

Therefore, the radius of the cylindrical can is 15 centimeters.