1 L of N_2_ gas, having a pressure of 2.5 atm, is added 1 L of Ar gas, having a pressure of 3.7 atm, in a sealed, rigid flask. What is the final pressure in the flask?

Ptotal = pN2 + pAr


To find the final pressure in the flask, you can use the combined gas law, which relates the initial pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas with the final pressure, volume, and temperature.

The combined gas law is given by the formula: P1 * V1 / T1 = P2 * V2 / T2

P1 = Initial pressure of N2 gas
V1 = Initial volume of N2 gas
T1 = Initial temperature of N2 gas
P2 = Final pressure in the flask
V2 = Final volume in the flask (sum of N2 and Ar volumes)
T2 = Final temperature of the gas mixture

From the question, we know that the initial pressure of N2 gas (P1) is 2.5 atm, the initial volume of N2 gas (V1) is 1 L, and the final volume in the flask (V2) is the sum of 1 L of N2 and 1 L of Ar, which is 2 L.

We need to assume that the temperature remains constant since the flask is sealed and rigid, hence the initial temperature (T1) and final temperature (T2) are the same.

Given these values, we can rewrite the combined gas law equation as:

P1 * V1 = P2 * V2

Substituting the known values:

(2.5 atm) * (1 L) = P2 * (2 L)

Simplifying the equation:

2.5 atm * L = 2P2 * L

Now, we can solve for P2, the final pressure in the flask:

2.5 atm = 2P2

Dividing both sides by 2:

P2 = 2.5 atm / 2

P2 = 1.25 atm

Therefore, the final pressure in the flask is 1.25 atm.