Southern states did not like Hamilton's plan to pay off the federal debt because they owed less for the cost of the American Revolution than Northern states?


Yes, that statement is true. The southern states did have objections to Alexander Hamilton's plan to pay off the federal debt. Here's an explanation of why:

1. Background:
After the American Revolution, the newly formed United States accrued a significant amount of debt from the war. Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, proposed a plan to address this debt by assuming both the federal and state debts and establishing a national bank.

2. Different debt levels:
The southern states had relatively less debt compared to the northern states because they had fewer financial resources and less substantial contributions during the war. The states in the South, such as Virginia and Georgia, had different economic structures compared to the more industrialized Northern states like New York and Massachusetts.

3. Concerns about unfair burden:
Southern states argued that Hamilton's plan would unfairly burden them with a portion of the northern states' debt, which they considered unfair since their own debt was relatively smaller. They believed that the northern states should be responsible for their own financial obligations.

4. Agricultural vs. industrial economy:
The southern states primarily relied on agriculture, especially cash crops like tobacco and cotton, whereas the northern states were more industrialized. As a result, Hamilton's plan would predominantly benefit the northern states since they had more of their debt to be assumed and would receive financial aid from the federal government.

5. Political opposition:
Many southern politicians and plantation owners opposed Hamilton's plan, fearing that it would prioritize the interests of industrial and commercial sectors and deprive agricultural interests, which were significant in the South, of necessary government resources.

In summary, the southern states objected to Hamilton's plan to pay off the federal debt due to the disparity in their own debt levels compared to the northern states. They believed that the burden of assuming debt should be distributed more fairly, taking into account each state's financial obligations.