A major objective of the South Pacific Forum founded in 1971 was


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Expanding the copra trade

that's wrong Mike, I just took the test and got that answer wrong :(

stopping French nuclear testing in the region

The major objective of the South Pacific Forum, now known as the Pacific Islands Forum, when it was founded in 1971 was to enhance regional cooperation and promote the interests of Pacific Island countries. To find more information about the major objective of the South Pacific Forum, you can:

1. Search online: Use a search engine like Google and enter keywords such as "major objective of South Pacific Forum" or "Pacific Islands Forum founding goals." This will provide you with various articles, reports, and documents that discuss the objectives and goals of the organization.

2. Visit the official website: Go to the official website of the Pacific Islands Forum. The website contains information about the organization's history, objectives, and activities. It may provide you with the specific objectives mentioned during the founding of the forum.

3. Read historical documents: Look for books, academic papers, or official documents related to the establishment of the South Pacific Forum. These sources may contain references to the major objective or goals of the organization, providing you with a deeper understanding of its founding principles.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.