Calculate molarity of HNO3 please help?

Calculate molarity of HNO3 prepared by dissolving 22.3 grams of HNO3 in water to make 875 ml of solution... Please help I'm stuck

Molarity of HNO3=moles/volume (L)

1 mole of HNO3=63.01 g

Solve for moles:

22.3g*(1 mole/63.01g)=moles of HNO3

Molarity of HNO3=moles of HNO3/0.875L

***Answer contains no more then 3-significant figures.

0.405 mol/litres

To calculate the molarity of HNO3, you need to know the number of moles of HNO3 and the volume of the solution.

Step 1: Calculate the number of moles of HNO3:
To do this, you can use the formula: moles = mass / molar mass.

The molar mass of HNO3 (nitric acid) can be calculated by adding up the atomic masses of each element in the compound:
Molar mass(H) + Molar mass(N) + 3 x Molar mass(O) = 1.01 + 14.01 + (3 x 16.00) = 63.01 g/mol

Therefore, the number of moles of HNO3 = 22.3 g / 63.01 g/mol.

Step 2: Convert the volume of the solution to liters:
The volume provided is 875 ml, so to convert it to liters, divide it by 1000: 875 ml / 1000 ml/L = 0.875 L.

Step 3: Calculate the molarity (M):
Molarity is defined as moles per liter, so divide the number of moles of HNO3 by the volume in liters:
Molarity (M) = number of moles / volume in liters.

Now, you can substitute the values into the equation:
Molarity (M) = (22.3 g / 63.01 g/mol) / 0.875 L.

By solving this equation, you will find the molarity of the HNO3 solution.