Pennsylvania have made their way down into the Chesapeake bay in Maryland. This is an example of _____pollution?

This is an example of a nonsense post; it makes no sense.

the answer is messed up i know what it is the answer is non point source

The phenomenon you mentioned, where Pennsylvania's influence has spread down into the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, is an example of non-point source pollution. Non-point source pollution refers to the pollution that comes from multiple, diffuse sources, making it challenging to identify and control the exact origin of the pollution. In this case, the pollution originates from various activities, such as agriculture, urban runoff, and atmospheric deposition, within the Pennsylvania region.

To determine the type of pollution, you could use several methods, including analyzing water samples from the Chesapeake Bay to identify the pollutants present. Gathering data on land use practices, nutrient levels, and pollutant sources within Pennsylvania would also provide essential information in understanding the spread of pollution and its impact on the Chesapeake Bay. Additionally, satellite imagery or remote sensing technology could be used to track nutrient runoff from agricultural areas and detect patterns of pollution flowing into the bay. Such comprehensive analysis methods would aid in determining the specific pollutants and their sources responsible for polluting the Chesapeake Bay from Pennsylvania.