Pedro types 240 words in 5 minutes. How many words can he type in 12 minutes? please help.

240/5 = 48 words per minute

Preston can type 40 words per minute. If he types at that same rate, about how many words can Preston type in 30 minutes?

To find out how many words Pedro can type in 12 minutes, you can use the concept of a proportion.

First, calculate Pedro's typing speed per minute. You can do this by dividing the total number of words he types (240 words) by the time it takes him to type them (5 minutes).

Pedro's typing speed per minute = 240 words / 5 minutes = 48 words per minute.

Now that you know his typing speed per minute, you can find out how many words he can type in 12 minutes.

Words typed in 12 minutes = Pedro's typing speed per minute × 12 minutes
Words typed in 12 minutes = 48 words per minute × 12 minutes
Words typed in 12 minutes = 576 words.

Therefore, Pedro can type 576 words in 12 minutes.