The study of the Earth's magnetic field is known as's_magnetic_field

it is also known as geomagnetic field

The study of the Earth's magnetic field is known as geomagnetism. Geomagnetism is a branch of physics that focuses on understanding the Earth's magnetic field and its interaction with various elements of the planet. This field of study involves measuring and mapping the magnetic field, studying its variations over time, and investigating its causes and effects. The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron in its outer core, and it plays a crucial role in many natural phenomena, including navigation, auroras, and the protection of the atmosphere from solar winds. To study geomagnetism, scientists use instruments like magnetometers to measure the strength and direction of the magnetic field at different locations on Earth, and they also employ various mathematical models and simulations to analyze and interpret the collected data. Additionally, research in geomagnetism contributes to understanding the Earth's past geological changes, as the magnetic field leaves a record in rocks known as paleomagnetism. So, to delve into the study of the Earth's magnetic field or geomagnetism, one would need to explore the subfields of physics, geophysics, and paleomagnetism, and pursue education and research in these areas.