What is the name of the compound having the formula [Cr(en)2(H2O)2]SO4?

a. dihydroxydiethlyenediamminechromate(2) sulfate
b. diaquabis(ethylenediamine)sulfatochromate(4)
c. bis(ethylenediamine)diaquachromium(2) sulfato
d. diaquabis(ethylenediamine)sulfatochromium (2)
e. diaquabis(ethylenediamine)chromium(2) sulfate

Isn't that e. I think I answered this a day or so ago and for some inexplicable reason I thought it was Cr(IV) but of course Cr(II) is right.

The name of the compound having the formula [Cr(en)2(H2O)2]SO4 is "e. diaquabis(ethylenediamine)chromium(2) sulfate."

To determine the name of the compound [Cr(en)2(H2O)2]SO4, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the central metal ion: In this case, the central metal ion is chromium (Cr).

2. Determine the ligands: The ligands are the molecules or ions bonded to the central metal ion. In this compound, we have two ethylenediamine (en) ligands and two water (H2O) ligands.

3. Determine the oxidation state of the metal ion: Chromium has various oxidation states, so we need to determine which one it is in this compound. Looking at the ligands, we see that the ethylenediamine ligands are neutral and the water ligands are neutral. Since the overall charge of the compound is neutral, we can determine the oxidation state of chromium to be +2.

4. Write the name of the compound: Following the IUPAC naming rules, we start by listing the ligands alphabetically. The ethylenediamine ligand comes first, so we write "bis(ethylenediamine)". Next, we write the remaining ligands in alphabetical order, so "diaqua" for the water ligands. Finally, we write the name of the central metal ion, so "chromium" in this case. Since the compound is a sulfate, we add "sulfato" at the end.

Putting it all together, the correct name for the compound [Cr(en)2(H2O)2]SO4 is:
d. diaquabis(ethylenediamine)sulfatochromium (2)