Define the following sets of term:

α- and β- notation

α-notation and β-notation are mathematical notations used to define and describe recursive functions.

α-notation, also known as Church's α-notation, is a way of representing functions using lambda calculus. In lambda calculus, functions and expressions are represented using lambda terms, which include variables, abstraction, and application. α-notation is used to rename bound variables in a syntax tree to avoid naming conflicts. It is primarily used for theoretical purposes in the study of computability and formal logic.

For example, if we have the lambda term (λx.x)(λy.y), we can use α-notation to rename the bound variables to avoid conflicts. The result could be (λx.x)(λz.z), where the variable y has been renamed to z.

β-notation, also known as beta-reduction, is another concept from lambda calculus. It is used to represent the process of applying a function to an argument and reducing the resulting expression to its normal form. Beta-reduction involves substituting the formal parameter of a function with the argument given in the function application.

For example, consider the lambda term (λx.x)(λy.y), where the function (λx.x) is being applied to the argument (λy.y). By performing beta-reduction, we substitute x with (λy.y), resulting in (λy.y).

Both α-notation and β-notation help in formalizing the behavior of recursive functions and enable the study and analysis of computation and logical systems.