what is a synonym for gave,furnished that have double letters and fit this?



You can always look up synonyms in a good thesaurus or dictionary. Try these:



To find a synonym for "gave" or "furnished" that fits the pattern of having double letters and matches the length of the word (7 letters), you can use an online thesaurus or word search tool. Here's how you can proceed:

1. Start by using a word search tool like an online thesaurus or crossword solver.
2. Enter the pattern of the word with the known letters as "----l---".
3. Specify the number of letters in the word by indicating "7" in the search parameters.
4. Look for synonyms of "gave" or "furnished" in the search results that match the pattern and have double letters.

Using this approach, you may find words like "settled" or "hassled" as possible synonyms. However, it is essential to double-check the accuracy and context of the suggested words before using them.