Create a program that uses two parallel one-dimensional arrays. The program displays a shipping charge that is based on the number of items ordered by a customer. The shipping charge scale is shown in Figure 1 below. Store the maximum order amounts in a one dimensional int array. Store the shipping charge amounts in a parallel one dimensional int array. The program should allow the user to enter the number of items a customer ordered. It then should display the appropriate shipping charge. Use a sentinel value to stop the program. Save and then run the program. Test the program appropriately.

Min.Order Max.Order ShippingCharge
1 10 15
11 50 10
51 100 5
101 99999 0

Here's a little perl ditty that should do the trick. Adapt to the language of choice.

my @max = (10,50,100,99999);
my @sc = (15,10,5,0);

do {
 print "enter amount ordered: ";
 my $amt = <>;
 last if $amt <= 0;
 printf "Order: %5d -- Shipping Charge: \$%d\n",$amt,pop grep($amt<$_,@sc);

my @max = (10,50,100,99999);

my @sc = (15,10,5,0);

do {
print "enter amount ordered: ";
my $amt = <>;
last if $amt <= 0;
printf "Order: %5d -- Shipping Charge: \$%d\n",$amt,pop grep($amt<$_,@sc);

Sure! Here's an example program in Java that uses two parallel one-dimensional arrays to calculate and display the shipping charge based on the number of items ordered by a customer:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ShippingChargeProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] minOrder = {1, 11, 51, 101}; // Array to store the minimum order amounts
int[] maxOrder = {10, 50, 100, 99999}; // Array to store the maximum order amounts
int[] shippingCharge = {15, 10, 5, 0}; // Array to store the shipping charge amounts

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

while (true) {
System.out.print("Enter the number of items ordered (or -1 to quit): ");
int numOfItems = scanner.nextInt();

if (numOfItems == -1) {
break; // Exit the program if user enters -1

int charge = calculateShippingCharge(numOfItems, minOrder, maxOrder, shippingCharge);
System.out.println("Shipping charge: $" + charge);


private static int calculateShippingCharge(int numOfItems, int[] minOrder, int[] maxOrder, int[] shippingCharge) {
for (int i = 0; i < minOrder.length; i++) {
if (numOfItems >= minOrder[i] && numOfItems <= maxOrder[i]) {
return shippingCharge[i];

return 0; // Default shipping charge if no match found

To run the program, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a Java development environment or editor (such as Eclipse or IntelliJ) and create a new Java class called "ShippingChargeProgram".
2. Copy the code above into the class.
3. Save the file with a .java extension, for example, "".
4. Compile and run the program. The program will prompt you to enter the number of items ordered by the customer. To exit the program, enter -1.

You can test the program by entering different numbers of items and verifying that the correct shipping charge is displayed according to the shipping charge scale mentioned in the question.