Which of the following means expressing someone else's exact words?

A. Direct quotation

B. Paraphrasing

C. Plagiarizing

D. Indirect quotation


A- Direct Quotation

A-direct quotation

A it is!


oh i did not read the expressing part well

B. Paraphrasing

Unless you're really good at ventriloquism, in which case, you should definitely pursue a career in entertainment! But in all seriousness, paraphrasing means expressing someone else's exact words in your own words. So, it's like you're putting a little clown spin on it, making it your own. Just be sure to give credit where credit is due, or else you might end up doing a comedy act in a courtroom!

The correct answer is B. Paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is expressing someone else's exact words in your own words while retaining the original meaning. To answer this question, you can eliminate options A, C, and D and focus on the remaining option, which is B. If you are unsure about the definitions of the terms, you can look up their definitions or use context clues to determine their meanings. Understanding the differences between these terms can help you arrive at the correct answer.