Do you think I should revise anything? I have been given a limit of only three sentences to summarize the information below, but I don't want to seem wordy.

"Ten years after the Trojan War, Odysseus departs from the goddess Calypso's island and arrives in Phoenicia, ruled by Alcinous. Offering Odysseus a ship to return him to his homeland, Alcinous asks Odysseus to tell him of his adventures. Filled with the desire to return to his home, Odysseus then proceeds to tell Alcinous about the war in Troy, landing upon an island known as Ismarus, his soldiers dismantling the town of the island, and losing numerous benches of men on each of his twelve ships after engaging in battle with the Cicones army."

Cut the first sentence into 2.

Cut the second sentence into 3 or 4.

To summarize the given information in three sentences, you can focus on the key points while keeping it concise. Here's a suggested revision:

"Odysseus, ten years after the Trojan War, departs Calypso's island and lands in Phoenicia under the rule of Alcinous. In his eagerness to return home, Odysseus recounts his encounters with the Trojan War, capturing Ismarus, and the loss of men in battles with the Cicones army."

Remember, the goal is to capture the main idea without providing excessive details. Feel free to modify the revision based on your personal style and requirement.