The following pattern continues indefinitely.


1) What is the 38th letter in the pattern? Explain your answer.

2) What is the 40th letter in the pattern? Explain your answer.

3) What is the 604th letter in the pattern? Explain your answer.

38th is e

40th is e

To find the letter at a specific position in the pattern, we need to first analyze the pattern and observe any regularities. By looking at the pattern "REPEATREPEATREPEAT...", we can identify that it consists of two repeating segments: "REPEAT" and "REPEAT".

1) To find the 38th letter in the pattern, we need to determine which segment it falls into and its position within that segment. Since each segment has the same number of letters, we can divide the position (38) by the length of a segment (6) and take the remainder. In this case, 38 divided by 6 equals 6 with a remainder of 2. This means that the 38th letter falls in the second segment.

The second segment is "REPEAT" and comprises 6 letters. So, the 2nd letter in the "REPEAT" sequence is the 38th letter in the overall pattern. Therefore, the answer to question 1 is "E".

2) To find the 40th letter in the pattern, we repeat a similar process. Divide 40 by the length of a segment (6), which gives a quotient of 6 and a remainder of 4. Since the remainder is 4, the 40th letter falls in the first segment of "REPEAT".

The first segment, "REPEAT," is made up of 6 letters. Therefore, the 4th letter in the "REPEAT" sequence corresponds to the 40th letter in the overall pattern. Hence, the answer to question 2 is "A".

3) Finding the 604th letter follows the same approach. Divide 604 by the length of a segment (6), resulting in a quotient of 100 and a remainder of 4. With a remainder of 4, the 604th letter falls in the first segment of "REPEAT".

The first segment of "REPEAT" contains 6 letters. Consequently, the 4th letter in the "REPEAT" sequence corresponds to the 604th letter in the overall pattern. Therefore, the answer to question 3 is "A".