Which candy required more base per gram of candy sweet tarts or smarties

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To determine which candy requires more base per gram, we need to compare the grams of base in each type of candy.

1. Look for the ingredients list: Find the ingredients list on the packaging of Sweet Tarts and Smarties.

2. Identify the base ingredient: Look for ingredients that are considered bases, such as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or calcium carbonate.

3. Note the quantity of base: Check the quantity or weight of the base ingredient mentioned in the ingredients list. It should be listed either in grams (g) or milligrams (mg).

4. Calculate base per gram: If the quantity is given in milligrams, convert it to grams by dividing by 1000. Then, calculate the ratio of the base ingredient per gram of candy for each type.

5. Compare the results: Compare the calculated ratios of base per gram for Sweet Tarts and Smarties. The candy with a higher ratio will require more base per gram.

Please note that the actual ingredients and quantities may vary depending on the brand or location. Make sure to refer to the specific packaging of the candies you are interested in.