On Team B 80% of the football players weigh more than 200 pounds. If 41 men are on the team, how many weigh more than 200 pounds?

0.8 * 41 = ?

To find out how many football players weigh more than 200 pounds on Team B, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
80% = 80/100 = 0.8

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the total number of players to find the number of players that weigh more than 200 pounds.
0.8 * 41 = 32.8

Step 3: Round the result to the nearest whole number since we can't have fractions of players.
Rounded to the nearest whole number: 33

Therefore, there are approximately 33 football players on Team B who weigh more than 200 pounds.

To find out how many football players on Team B weigh more than 200 pounds, we can use the information that 80% of the players fall into this category.

First, calculate 80% of the total number of players on the team.
80% is equivalent to 80/100, which simplifies to the fraction 4/5.

So, to find the number of football players who weigh more than 200 pounds, multiply the total number of players (41) by 4/5:

41 * 4/5 = 164/5 = 32.8

Since we can't have fractional players, we need to round to the nearest whole number. In this case, 32.8 rounds up to 33.

Therefore, 33 football players on Team B weigh more than 200 pounds.