An object 8.1 feet tall casts a shadow that is 24.3 feet long. How long in feet would the shadow be for an object which is 20.1 feet tall?

Set up a ratio and proportion.

(feet/shadow) = (feet/shadow)
(8.1/24.3) = 20.1/x)
Solve for x.

To find out the length of the shadow for an object that is 20.1 feet tall, we can set up a proportion based on the relationship between the height of the object and the length of its shadow. Here's how you can solve it step-by-step:

Step 1: Set up the proportion:

(height of object 1) / (length of shadow 1) = (height of object 2) / (length of shadow 2)

Let's fill in the given values:
8.1 feet / 24.3 feet = 20.1 feet / (length of shadow 2)

Step 2: Solve for the unknown:

To find the length of shadow 2, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. Cross-multiply:

(8.1 feet * length of shadow 2) = (24.3 feet * 20.1 feet)

Step 3: Calculate:

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 8.1 feet to solve for the length of shadow 2:

length of shadow 2 = (24.3 feet * 20.1 feet) / 8.1 feet

length of shadow 2 = 60.03 feet

Therefore, the length of the shadow for an object that is 20.1 feet tall would be 60.03 feet.