The distance between two points is correctly expressed as 720 statute miles or 630 nautical miles. Which of the following most closely approximates the value of one statute mile in terms of nautical miles?

a. 0.88
b. 0.89
c. 0.90
d. 1.14
e. 1.25

please answer and explain

what is different between statute mile and nautical mile

a nautical mile is one minute of latitude, very useful when navigating at sea. Statute miles are just what the law says they are.

from the data above, a statute mile is 630/720 nautical miles, or 7/8 = .875

SO, THE ANSWER IS A, 0.875=0.88


To determine the value of one statute mile in terms of nautical miles, we can set up a ratio equation using the given information:

720 statute miles / x = 630 nautical miles / 1

Cross-multiplying the ratio equation, we get:

720 * 1 = 630 * x

x = (720 * 1) / 630
x = 720 / 630
x ≈ 1.143

So, one statute mile is approximately equal to 1.143 nautical miles.

In terms of the answer choices, the option that most closely approximates this value is:

d. 1.14

Now, let's discuss the difference between a statute mile and a nautical mile:

A statute mile is a unit of length commonly used in the United States. It is defined as exactly 5,280 feet or 1,609.344 meters. Statute miles are used in land travel, such as measuring distances on highways or in everyday usage.

On the other hand, a nautical mile is a unit of length commonly used in navigation and aviation. It is defined as exactly 1,852 meters or approximately 6,076.115 feet. Nautical miles are used to measure distances at sea or in the air, as they are based on the circumference of the Earth.

The reason nautical miles are used in navigation is that they simplify the calculations related to positions, distances, and speed on the Earth's curved surface. Since the Earth is not a perfect sphere, the length of one nautical mile is equal to one minute of latitude, allowing for more accurate and consistent measurements over long distances.