1. What does a hippopotamus(hippo) eat

2. What does a koala eat
3. What does a monkey eat
4. What does a leopard eat

1.gum leaves
2.fruit, nectar




Hippos eat more than just what’s listed.

To find out what a hippopotamus (hippo) eats, you can start by researching their diet. Hippos are primarily herbivores, which means they mainly eat plants. They consume grass and aquatic plants, such as reeds and water lettuce. They can also eat fruits that fall into the water, but this is not the main part of their diet. Therefore, the correct answer is option 4: grass.

To determine what a koala eats, you can search for information about their diet. Koalas are unique in that they primarily eat gum leaves from eucalyptus trees. These leaves provide them with their necessary nutrients, hydration, and energy. So, the correct answer to this question is option 1: gum leaves.

To understand what a monkey eats, you need to explore their feeding habits. Monkeys are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet varies depending on the species. Some monkeys primarily consume fruits, nuts, seeds, leaves, and flowers, while others include insects, eggs, and even small vertebrates like frogs and birds in their diet. Therefore, there isn't a single correct answer among the given choices. The most general option would be option 2: fruit and nectar.

To identify what a leopard eats, it is important to examine their diet. Leopards are carnivorous predators that primarily consume meat. They have a diverse diet consisting of various animals, including antelopes, deer, monkeys, rodents, and birds. So, the correct answer to this question is option 3: antelope.

Remember, the best way to determine what animals eat is to research and study their natural habitats and feeding behaviors.