. When business messages use a/an ----- or ------ attitude, they risk sounding selfish and uninterested in the audience.

when business messages use a/an ----- or ------ attitude, they risk sounding selfish and uninterested in the audience.

I or we is the answer.

When business messages use a/an arrogant or dismissive attitude, they risk sounding selfish and uninterested in the audience.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and analyze it step by step:

1. Identify the key terms: The question asks about the attitude in business messages that may make them sound selfish and uninterested in the audience.
2. Consider potential attitudes: To answer the question, we need to think of attitudes commonly associated with being selfish and uninterested. Two attitudes that fit this description are arrogance and dismissiveness.
3. Compare attitudes to the context: Take into account the context of business messages. When businesses communicate with their audience, it is necessary to be respectful, engaging, and attentive to their needs. Arrogance and dismissiveness contradict these principles and can create a negative impression.
4. Put it all together: Based on the analysis above, we can conclude that when business messages use an arrogant or dismissive attitude, they risk sounding selfish and uninterested in the audience.