Im using this equation to complete this question:

So for this question, I want to determine how many people like Pepsi and how many people like Coca-Cola. Then I want to determine how many people like X over Y. For example, if 35 out of 50 people prefer Pepsi over Coca-Cola. In this example, N= 50 and PLEASE HELP

To determine how many people like Pepsi and how many people like Coca-Cola, you need to know the total number of people (N) and the number of people who prefer each brand. Let's break down the process step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the number of people who prefer Pepsi
You mentioned that in the example, 35 out of 50 people prefer Pepsi over Coca-Cola. So, the number of people who like Pepsi would be 35.

Step 2: Calculate the number of people who prefer Coca-Cola
To find out how many people like Coca-Cola, subtract the number of people who like Pepsi from the total number of people. In this case, it would be: N - 35 = 50 - 35 = 15. Therefore, the number of people who prefer Coca-Cola is 15.

Now, to determine how many people like X over Y (where X represents Pepsi and Y represents Coca-Cola in this case), you can subtract the number of people who like Y (Coca-Cola) from the number of people who like X (Pepsi).

Step 3: Calculate how many people like X over Y
In this case, the number of people who like Pepsi over Coca-Cola can be found by subtracting the number of Coca-Cola fans from the number of Pepsi fans. So, it would be: 35 - 15 = 20. Therefore, 20 people like Pepsi over Coca-Cola.

In summary, according to the example given, 35 people prefer Pepsi, 15 people prefer Coca-Cola, and 20 people prefer Pepsi over Coca-Cola. These calculations can be repeated using different values of N to answer similar questions for different scenarios.