Which of the following principles approves or disapproves of an action according to its tendency to promote happiness for the greatest number of people?

A. Altruism
B. Utility
C. Hedonism
D. Egoism

I am stuck between B and C, but leaning towards B.

Please help.

B is right.

The principle that approves or disapproves of an action according to its tendency to promote happiness for the greatest number of people is known as utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that focuses on the consequences of actions. According to this theory, an action is considered morally right if it maximizes overall happiness or utility and minimizes suffering for the greatest number of individuals.

To help determine the correct answer between option B (Utility) and option C (Hedonism), let's break down the two concepts:

1. Utility: Utility refers to the overall well-being or happiness that individuals experience as a result of an action. Utilitarianism considers not just individual well-being but the collective happiness of the greatest number of people. Therefore, it aligns with the principle you are seeking.

2. Hedonism: Hedonism, on the other hand, is the principle that approves or disapproves of an action based on its tendency to maximize individual pleasure and minimize individual pain. While hedonism focuses on individual happiness, it does not necessarily take into account the happiness or well-being of the greatest number of people.

Based on this clarification, it is clear that the correct answer is B. Utilitarianism, or the principle of utility, evaluates actions based on their potential to promote happiness for the greatest number of people.