1. ___ hermanas son ____.

Question 7 options:

Su, bonitas

Sus, bonita

Tu, bonitas

Sus, bonitas

is it C

2. Por las tardes, mis padres siempre _____ en el jardín (garden). Mi abuela está en su cuarto (room) porque ______ descansar mucho.
Question 8 options:

comemos, deben

comen, debe

como, debemos

comen, deben

is it B

Although you did not letter the choices, it is the last one = D, for #1

#2 is correct.


1. Well, you really made me work for this one! The correct answer is D. Sus, bonitas. Just like my sense of humor, hermanas remains unchanged and sus is the possessive pronoun that agrees with the plural noun. And of course, the bonitas, just like you, are beautiful!

2. Ah, the garden is a lovely place to relax, isn't it? The correct answer is B. comen, debe. While mis padres always eat (comen) in the garden, mi abuela is in her room and she must (debe) rest a lot. After all, even Granny needs to recharge her humor batteries!

1. The correct answer is D: Sus, bonitas.

2. The correct answer is B: comen, debe.

To answer the first question, you need to understand possessive pronouns in Spanish and also match the correct form with the noun. The phrase "hermanas" means "sisters" in English. The correct possessive pronoun to use with the plural noun "hermanas" is "sus." So, the correct answer is "Sus, bonitas." Therefore, answer choice D is the correct one.

Now, let's move on to the second question. In this sentence, you need to determine the correct form of the verb "comer" and the correct form of the verb "deber" to match the subject of the sentence and convey the intended meaning. The sentence mentions "Por las tardes" which indicates that the subject is plural. Therefore, the correct form of "comer" is "comen." Also, the subject "mis padres" is plural, so "deben" should be used for "must" or "should" in the second part of the sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is "comen, deben." Hence, answer choice B is the correct one.