A number cube with the numbers 1 through 6 is rolled. Find the given probability. ---------------------------------------- 2. P(number ≥ 3)

A. 4/6
B. 1/6*****
C. 2/6
D. 5/6

He is wrong its

I just took the test

1. A 1/6

2. A 4/6
3. B. 5/6
4. C. 1:4
5. C. 3:1
6. B. 5/8

Right Answer is 100% right for connections academy Algebra - Theoretical and Experimental Probability Unit 4: Probability.

A. 1/6
A. 4/6
B. 5/6
C. 1:4
C. 3:1
B. 5/8
Again 100% correct, thank you “Right Answer” :)

Right answer is correct for the unit 4 lesson one in pre algebra connexus

anonymous there are 6 questions

Thanks Hal

1. A 1/6
2. A 4/6
3. B. 5/6
4. C. 1:4
5. C. 3:1
6. B. 5/8

Are we talking about the Connxeus answers? Bc if we are, there are only 10 questions along with a Reflection.

Right Answer is right.

im on connexus right now there is 15 questions and this is math not algebra as stated at the top of the screen

Thank you Mint so much!!!

And if you guys have 10 questions don't worry about it too much just find a different answer on here if that makes sense