A microwave oven costing RM500 was marked up 10% based on retail price. later it was marked down by 5%. WHAT is the final retail price?

A microwave oven costing RM500 was marked up 10% based on retail price. later it was marked down by 5%. WHAT is the final retail price?

i get




but in my book the answer is rm527.78 ?

Ok FIZZ, enough is enough!

I count over 20 questions of a similar type in the last few days, which have been answered for you.

Not once have you shown any of your steps , or indicated where your difficulties lie.

Show me what you did for the above problem and I will let you look at your solution.

last line should say:

Show me what you did for the above problem and I will look at your solution.

this is difference question but same topic about markup and markdown .i"m not repeat the same question.




A hi-fi set was purchased for RM7000.The hi-fi set will be resold by offering an 8% discount.If the retailer wants a 18% gross profit based on the net retail price,find the list price.






capital letteres huh keep dreaming

letters and I AM A GIRL FAKEY