Matrix transformations- please help?

let f be the linear transformation represented by the matrix

M = (4 2)
.......(0 -2)

a) state what effect f has on areas and whether it changes orientation

b) Find the matrix that represents the inverse of f

c) Use the matrix you found in part b to find the image f(c) of the unit circle C under f , in the form

ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 = d

where a, b, c, d are integers

d) what is the area enclosed by f(c)?

My answers;

a)det M = (4*-2) - (2*0) = -8 so f scales areas by factor 8 and changes orientation

b) m^-1 = 1/-8 (-2 -2) ... (1/4 1/4)
..............=..............o 4) = (0 -1/2)

c) 1/16x^2 + 2/16xy + 1/16y^2 = 1
which is;

x^2 + 2xy + y^2 = 16

(ive struggled with this one so if its wrong i would appreciate some help with my working out)

d) the area enclosed by f(C) is 16pi


Your answers for parts a) and b) are correct. Let's go through part c):

To find the image f(c) of the unit circle C under f, we need to substitute the equation of the unit circle into the inverse matrix.

The equation of the unit circle C is given by:

x^2 + y^2 = 1

Now, substitute x = (1/4)x' - (1/2)y' and y = x' into the equation:

((1/4)x' - (1/2)y')^2 + (x')^2 = 1


(1/16)x'^2 - (1/8)x'y' + (1/4)y'^2 + x'^2 = 1

Combining like terms:

(17/16)x'^2 - (1/8)x'y' + (1/4)y'^2 = 1

Thus, the image f(c) of the unit circle C under f is given by the equation:

(17/16)x'^2 - (1/8)x'y' + (1/4)y'^2 = 1

In the requested form:

(ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 = d), we can simplify by multiplying through by 16 to get rid of the fractions:

17x'^2 - 2x'y' + 4y'^2 = 16

Comparing this to the form ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 = d, we can identify a = 17, b = -2, c = 4, and d = 16.

For part d):

The area enclosed by f(c) is determined by the coefficient of x^2 and y^2 in the equation. In this case, a=17 and c=4.

The area enclosed by f(c) is given by the formula: π * |ac|

Therefore, the area enclosed by f(c) is π * |17 * 4| = π * 68 = 68π.

Hence, the area enclosed by f(c) is 68π.

Hopefully, this clarifies the solution for part c) and part d) of the question. Let me know if you need any further assistance!