
Like Dogs
Yes No
Like cats Yes 194 21
No 110 10

For parts a-d give a fraction and % for answer.

A.What % of all students like dogs?
B. What % of students in the entire class like dogs and cats?
C. What % of students who like cats like dogs?
D. What % of students who do not like dogs like cats?

Make an appropriate display (bar, pie, etc) to examine the association between "liking cats" and "liking dogs".

Do "liking dogs" and "liking cats" appear to be associated? Write a few complete sentences refering to the math and graphs to defend conclusion.

Thank you

Were the subjects expressing liking of both animals the same or different? Need to know total number of subjects.

All that was given to me was this table:

Like Dogs
Yes No
Like Cat YES 194 21
No 110 10

UGH! The table is not copying correctly when I post the question.

Like Dogs on top horizontal axis
Like cats on Vertical axix
Yes No under Like dogs
Yes No under Like cats
yes 194 21(under no on liking dogs)
no 110 10

Something got mixed up when you copied it here.

Do you mean that 194 like dogs, and 21 do not like dogs?
Do you mean that 110 like cats and 10 do not like cats?

Also, please answer PsyDAG's question.

To find the answer to these questions, we will use the information given in the table. Let's break down each part step by step:

A. To find the percentage of students who like dogs out of all students, we divide the number of students who like dogs (194+110) by the total number of students (194+21+110+10). Then we multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

Percentage of students who like dogs = (194 + 110) / (194 + 21 + 110 + 10) * 100

B. To find the percentage of students who like both dogs and cats out of the entire class, we divide the number of students who like both dogs and cats (194) by the total number of students (194 + 21 + 110 + 10). Then we multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

Percentage of students who like both dogs and cats = 194 / (194 + 21 + 110 + 10) * 100

C. To find the percentage of students who like dogs given that they like cats, we divide the number of students who like both dogs and cats (194) by the number of students who like cats (194 + 21). Then we multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

Percentage of students who like dogs given that they like cats = 194 / (194 + 21) * 100

D. To find the percentage of students who like cats given that they do not like dogs, we divide the number of students who like cats but not dogs (21) by the number of students who do not like dogs (21 + 10). Then we multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

Percentage of students who like cats given that they do not like dogs = 21 / (21 + 10) * 100

Now let's create an appropriate display to examine the association between "liking cats" and "liking dogs". A mosaic plot can be used to visualize the relationship between the two variables.

Considering the math and the graph, to determine if "liking dogs" and "liking cats" are associated, we need to analyze the proportions in the mosaic plot. If the sizes of the shaded areas in the plot are similar, it shows that the variables are independent and not associated. On the other hand, if there is a noticeable difference in the proportions, it suggests that there is an association between the variables.

To further defend our conclusion, we can also compute the conditional percentages calculated in parts C and D. If the percentage of students who like dogs given that they like cats is significantly higher or lower than the percentage of students who like cats given that they do not like dogs, it provides additional evidence of association between the two variables.