was the anti-immigrant hysteria following world war one simply a continuation of this feeling or was it more a reaction to the wave of immigrants that entered the us in the late nineteenth century---im writing a paper on this, please help

A continuation of what feeling? Please be specific in your questions, and a teacher may be able to help you soon.


a feeling of hatred or hostility.

The anti-immigrant hysteria following World War One can be seen as both a continuation of existing feelings and a reaction to the wave of immigrants that entered the US in the late nineteenth century. To understand this, it is important to consider the historical context and the factors contributing to anti-immigrant sentiments during that time.

Firstly, it is essential to highlight that the late nineteenth century witnessed a massive influx of immigrants into the United States. Immigrants, particularly from Southern and Eastern Europe, arrived in large numbers seeking better economic prospects and escaping political instability and religious persecution in their home countries. This wave of immigration resulted in significant demographic changes in American cities and caused some native-born Americans to view the newcomers with suspicion and hostility.

Moreover, this period coincided with significant social, economic, and political transformations in the US. Industrialization and urbanization were rapidly changing the American landscape, leading to increased competition for jobs and resources. Many native-born Americans believed that immigrants were taking away jobs from them and driving down wages. Additionally, cultural differences and language barriers further fueled the tensions between native-born individuals and immigrants, contributing to the overall atmosphere of hostility.

With the outbreak of World War One, anti-immigrant sentiment grew even stronger. The war created a sense of nationalism and heightened xenophobia. The fear of enemy spies and saboteurs led to suspicions that immigrants from certain countries might be sympathetic to the enemy nations. Public sentiment turned against immigrants, particularly those hailing from Germany and other Central Powers countries.

To write your paper, it would be helpful to examine primary sources, such as political cartoons, newspaper articles, and public speeches from the time period. These sources can provide insight into the specific arguments and sentiments expressed by anti-immigrant advocates and the broader public. Additionally, analyzing historic events and government policies, such as the Red Scare of the 1920s and the passage of the Immigration Act of 1924, can help you explain the institutionalization of anti-immigrant sentiment.

Remember to critically analyze and evaluate your sources to ensure accuracy and objectivity in your research. Good luck with your paper!