A candy dealer makes up a mixture of 3 parts of candy costing him 60 cents a pound with 2 parts of candy costing him 70 cents a pound, and 2 parts of candy costing him 50 cents a pound.At what price per pound should he sell this mixture to make a profit of 25%?

a. 60 cents
b. 75 cents
c. 85 cents
d. $1.00
e. $1.05

please answer and explain

His cost for 7 lbs of the mixture is

3*.60 + 2*.70 + 2*.50 = 4.20

a 25% profit requires him to charge $5.25 for that.

That's $0.75/lb.

To find the selling price per pound, we need to first calculate the average cost per pound of the mixture.

Let's calculate the average cost per pound step-by-step:

Step 1: Calculate the cost of 3 parts of candy at 60 cents per pound.
3 parts * 60 cents = 180 cents.

Step 2: Calculate the cost of 2 parts of candy at 70 cents per pound.
2 parts * 70 cents = 140 cents.

Step 3: Calculate the cost of 2 parts of candy at 50 cents per pound.
2 parts * 50 cents = 100 cents.

Step 4: Calculate the total cost of the mixture.
180 cents + 140 cents + 100 cents = 420 cents.

Step 5: Calculate the average cost per pound.
420 cents / 7 parts = 60 cents per pound.

Now, let's calculate the selling price per pound that would result in a 25% profit:

Step 6: Calculate the profit per pound.
25% of 60 cents = 0.25 * 60 cents = 15 cents.

Step 7: Calculate the selling price per pound.
60 cents + 15 cents = 75 cents per pound.

Therefore, the candy dealer should sell the mixture at a price of 75 cents per pound in order to make a profit of 25%.

The correct answer is b. 75 cents.