Amy earned $93 at work yesterday. She gets paid $8 per hour, plus she received a $45 bonus. Write an equation that can be used to determine how many hours Amy worked.

8x + 45 = 93

thanks a lot

You are welcome.

It can also be 8h+45=93 because you are also representing hours. H=6 hours. LABLE!!

To determine how many hours Amy worked, we can use the equation:

Total earnings = (Hourly rate * Number of hours worked) + Bonus payment

In this case, we know that Amy earned a total of $93, her hourly rate is $8, and she received a $45 bonus. Let's break down the equation using these values:

Total earnings = $93
Hourly rate = $8
Bonus payment = $45
Number of hours worked = ?

Plugging in the values, the equation becomes:

$93 = ($8 * Number of hours worked) + $45

And there you have it! The equation that can be used to determine how many hours Amy worked is:

$93 = ($8 * Number of hours worked) + $45