Which of the following was NOT a reason the United States needed a stronger national government system?

A.States maintained control over their own currency.
B.The Articles of Confederation based the number of votes a state had in Congress on the size of its population.
C.Western settlers needed protection from Native Americans that the United States could not provide.
D.Shays’ Rebellion proved the United States needed a national military for protection.

Help please, and thank ya?

the answer is b bro

It should be B.

It was B.

they right its B just did the test

To determine which of the following options was NOT a reason the United States needed a stronger national government system, let's examine each option and analyze if it was indeed a reason or not.

A. States maintained control over their own currency: This was a reason the United States needed a stronger national government system. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state had the authority to issue its own currency, leading to economic instability and trade difficulties between states.

B. The Articles of Confederation based the number of votes a state had in Congress on the size of its population: This was also a reason the United States needed a stronger national government system. The system of representation in Congress based on state population resulted in unfair representation and allowed larger states to potentially dominate smaller states.

C. Western settlers needed protection from Native Americans that the United States could not provide: This was another reason the United States needed a stronger national government system. The inability of the United States to adequately protect settlers from Native American attacks highlighted the need for a stronger central authority that could address and provide security to all regions.

D. Shays' Rebellion proved the United States needed a national military for protection: This statement is true, and Shays' Rebellion did indeed prompt the realization that a stronger national government was needed to handle internal and external threats efficiently.

After analyzing all the given options, the option that was NOT a reason the United States needed a stronger national government system is B. The Articles of Confederation based the number of votes a state had in Congress on the size of its population. This is an incorrect statement since this was, in fact, a reason the United States needed a stronger national government system.

Therefore, the correct answer is B.

Its be broskie

Okay so it is A, I have marked out b, and i have marked out d, I think it may have been A, but I am actually kind of confused.

its not a i tried that

OH, I didn't see the word NOT, sorry. Well... I'm actually confused now.

B? Check your book.