
The time changed to 8:00 p.m. please help me!!!g

I wish you would use separators...


I assume that is the question.

15/5 * sqrt ((8x^16)/ (2x^4))

3* sqrt (4 x^12)

3 * 2* x^6

To simplify the expression:

1. Start by simplifying the square roots individually.

sqrt(8x^16) can be simplified as sqrt(4 * 2 * x^8 * x^8).

sqrt(4) is 2, and since there is an x^8 term inside the square root, we can take out two x^4 terms. This leaves us with:

2x^4 * sqrt(2x^8).

Similarly, sqrt(2x^4) simplifies to sqrt(2 * x^2 * x^2) which can be simplified as x * sqrt(2).

2. Now we can substitute these simplified expressions back into the original expression to simplify further.

We have:

(15/5) * (2x^4 * sqrt(2x^8)) / (x * sqrt(2))

= 3 * 2x^4 * sqrt(2x^8) / (x * sqrt(2))

= 6x^4 * sqrt(2x^8) / (x * sqrt(2))

= 6x^4 * (sqrt(2) * sqrt(x^8)) / (x * sqrt(2))

= 6x^4 * sqrt(2) * sqrt(x^8) / (x * sqrt(2))

= 6x^4 * sqrt(x^8) / x

3. Finally, simplify the square root of x^8.

The square root of x^8 is x^4 because when you square x^4, you get x^8.

So, the expression simplifies to:

6x^4 * x^4 / x

= 6x^8 / x

= 6x^(8-1)

= 6x^7.

Therefore, 15sqrt(8x^16) / 5sqrt(2x^4) simplifies to 6x^7.