peg has $30 to spend at the book store. Her coupon is 15% off but she pays 5% tax. what is the most expensive book she can buy?

.85(1.05)x = 30

x=30/(.85(1.05)) = $33.61

where did you get 1.05 from

100% + 5% salestax = 1 + .05 = 1.05

to increase something by 5% , just multiply it by 1.05

To find out the most expensive book Peg can buy, we need to take into account her budget, coupon discount, and the tax. Here are the steps:

1. Calculate the discount amount: Multiply $30 by the coupon percentage. Since Peg has a 15% off coupon, the discount is 15% of $30:
Discount = 0.15 * $30 = $4.50

2. Subtract the discount from the budget to find the remaining amount Peg can spend:
Remaining budget = $30 - $4.50 = $25.50

3. Calculate the amount of tax that Peg needs to pay. Multiply the remaining budget by the tax percentage. Since Peg pays 5% tax, the tax amount is 5% of $25.50:
Tax = 0.05 * $25.50 = $1.27

4. Subtract the tax amount from the remaining budget to get the maximum amount Peg can spend on books:
Maximum amount Peg can spend = $25.50 - $1.27 = $24.23

Therefore, the most expensive book Peg can buy is $24.23 or anything priced below that amount.