research project APA style, regarding:P POA indicator questions. I want to know if I need to post the questions, and then answer them, or do I just use the format for numbers and than answer. I have never done APA style, and this is really puzzling me. Thank you for your help!


When formatting your research project in APA style, it is generally not necessary to explicitly provide the questions before answering them. Instead, you can follow the standard format for numbering and listing the items within your project.

Here's a suggested approach for incorporating the POA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) indicator questions into APA style:

1. Introduction: Start by introducing the topic and context of your research project. Clearly state the purpose and objectives of your study.

2. Methods: Describe the methods and tools used to collect data, including the POA indicator questions. You can mention that these questions were utilized to assess various aspects of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.

3. Results: Present the findings and analysis derived from the POA indicator questions. This could be done in the form of a summary, table, or other appropriate format, depending on the nature of your data.

4. Discussion: Interpret the results obtained from the POA indicator questions and relate them to the broader context of your research. Discuss any significant patterns or trends that emerged.

5. Conclusion: Summarize the key findings from your study, emphasizing the implications and significance of the POA indicator questions in relation to the overall research objectives.

Remember to adhere to APA guidelines for in-text citations and references when citing any sources you have used to gather information or develop your POA indicator questions. This ensures that your work is properly acknowledged and provides a way for readers to access the original sources if needed.

Lastly, it's always a good idea to consult the official APA Publication Manual or seek guidance from your instructor or institution for specific requirements and recommendations regarding formatting and referencing in APA style.