can you tell me the rest of this saying?

Knowledge is power~ If you learn to use it wisely you will also gain ______ _________ _______ .

Certainly! The complete saying is: "Knowledge is power. If you learn to use it wisely, you will also gain great influence."

When trying to find the rest of a saying or quote, there are a few methods you can employ.

1. Use a search engine: One of the easiest and quickest ways to find the rest of a saying or quote is to type the part you know into a search engine like Google. In this case, you could simply search for "Knowledge is power If you learn to use it wisely." The search engine will likely display the entire saying or quote, along with its origin and any additional information.

2. Explore quotation websites: There are various websites dedicated to quotations and sayings, such as or You can search for the partial quote on such sites, and they will often provide the full version, along with other related quotes.

3. Consult reference books: If you prefer a more traditional approach, you can consult reference books like dictionaries of quotations or books focused on certain topics or authors. These resources contain a vast collection of famous sayings and quotes, often categorized and indexed, making it easier to find the full versions.

By utilizing these methods, you can easily uncover the complete version of any saying or quote that piques your interest.