When addresses appear within the text of a document,:

A. always abbreviate the street, city, and state.

B. it is optional to abbreviate the parts of the address.

C. spell out the parts of the address.

D. always abbreviate the street and city and spell out the state.


It's wrong.

Incorrect. The correct answer is C. Spell out the parts of the address.

To determine the correct answer, we need to consider the general rules and conventions for writing addresses within a document.

The answer is C. Spell out the parts of the address.

When addresses appear within the text of a document, it is typically recommended to spell out the parts of the address. This includes the street name, city, and state.

Abbreviating the address can sometimes cause confusion or ambiguity, particularly if the reader is unfamiliar with the abbreviations used. Therefore, it is generally recommended to spell out the address components to ensure clarity and understanding.

While it is not strictly incorrect to abbreviate parts of the address, it is important to consider the context and audience of the document. In some cases, abbreviations may be more appropriate or necessary (such as in forms or tables with space constraints). However, in general writing, spelling out the address parts is considered the standard practice.