The media outlets engage in _________

when they call public attention to
certain political issues.

1. spin
2. agenda setting
3. platform advocacy
4. issue framing
Is this agenda setting?

It's probably agenda setting, but one of these sites suggests that it could be issue framing.

(Broken Link Removed)

I need to be sure, can someone else please give feed back to this question

Agenda setting is the process through which media outlets prioritize certain topics or issues, thereby influencing public opinion and political discourse. In this case, the media outlet is calling public attention to specific political issues, which aligns with the concept of agenda setting.

However, since there seems to be some ambiguity or different perspectives on whether it could also be classified as issue framing, it would be helpful to get feedback from others as well. Consulting different sources and gathering multiple opinions can deepen our understanding and help us arrive at a more comprehensive conclusion.