1. The poet uses all of the following in "Annabel Lee" except (1 point)alliteration.


2. Which of the following best shows that the speaker is still deeply in love with Annabel Lee? (1 point)The speaker explains that he and Annabel Lee were young.
The speaker says that nothing can separate his soul from his beloved.
The speaker is angry with Annabel Lee's kinsmen for taking her away from him.
The speaker dreams about Annabel Lee when he sees the moon.

3. In the sentence "How could anyone get Elbures out of that orchestra of sound?" what does the orchestra refer to? (1 point)a musical group played at Immigration
the Spanish pronunciation of Alvarez
the name Elbures
the American pronunciation of Alvarez

4. The word portable comes from the Latin verb portare, meaning "to carry." Using your prior knowledge of word meanings, which of the following words does not share the same origin? (1 point)deported

5. Identify the subject in the following sentence.

Here are the winners of the Holy Family Church raffle. (1 point)Here
Holy Family Church

I'll be glad to check your answers.

1. To determine the answer to question 1, we need to examine the given options and identify the literary devices used in the poem "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe.

- Alliteration, which is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words, is a common poetic device used by poets. If the poem had used alliteration, it would have been a valid answer choice.

- Simile is a figure of speech that compares two things using "like" or "as." To determine if similes are used in the poem, you would need to read the poem and look for comparisons using these words.

- Repetition is a literary device where words, phrases, or lines are repeated for emphasis. You could verify if repetition is used by reading the poem and observing if any words or phrases are repeated.

- Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounds in the final stressed syllables of verse. To ascertain if rhyme is used, you would need to look for paired lines that have similar sounds at the end.

By analyzing the poem, you can identify if any of these literary devices are used and eliminate the option that is not present.

2. To determine the answer to question 2, you need to carefully read the poem and identify the lines or words that suggest the speaker is still deeply in love with Annabel Lee. Look for any expressions that convey strong emotions or attachment towards her.

3. In question 3, you are given a sentence and asked to identify the meaning of "orchestra." To find the answer, you should carefully read the sentence and consider the context. Look for any clues that can help you identify the referent of "orchestra" by analyzing the sentence structure and meaning.

4. In question 4, you are asked to identify the word that does not share the same origin as "portable." To answer this question, you need to understand that the word "portable" comes from the Latin root "portare," meaning "to carry." Then, examine the given options and determine if any of them have a different etymological origin.

5. For question 5, you need to identify the subject of the sentence "Here are the winners of the Holy Family Church raffle." The subject is the noun or pronoun that is performing the action or being described in the sentence. Analyze the sentence and determine which noun or pronoun is the main focus or main topic of the sentence.