I have to identify the types of perspective/voice. Can someone please tell me what that means? Thanks

"Literary narration can occur from the first-person, second-person, or third-person point of view."

(PS -- second-person is rare in narratives.)
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_of_view_(literature)

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im writing in 3rd person i think but i dunno if im doing it right, its only for a homework peice in english nothing important...

Of course! When it comes to writing, perspective and voice refer to different literary techniques that authors use to position themselves in relation to the story and the reader.

Perspective, also known as point of view, refers to the narrator's position or vantage point from which a story is told. There are three main types of perspective:

1. First-person perspective: In this type, the narrator is a character within the story and uses pronouns like "I" and "we" to tell the tale. The reader experiences events through the narrator's eyes and has limited knowledge of what other characters are thinking or feeling.

2. Second-person perspective: This type of perspective is less common in literature but is employed when the narrator addresses the reader directly using the pronouns "you" and "your." This creates a more engaging and immersive reading experience.

3. Third-person perspective: In this type, the narrator is an external observer who is not a character in the story. The narration uses pronouns like "he," "she," "it," or "they." Third-person perspective allows for a more objective telling of events and often provides insight into the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters.

Voice, on the other hand, refers to the distinctive style and tone with which an author writes. It reflects the author's personality, attitude, and individuality. Voice can vary greatly from author to author, and even among different characters within a single story.

To identify the types of perspective and voice in a particular piece of writing, you'll need to analyze the pronouns used, the language style, sentence structure, and the overall tone of the text. By paying attention to these elements, you can determine whether the perspective is first, second, or third person, as well as identify the unique voice of the author.