Write a word or phrase to describe the feeling or meaning that the end punctuation indicates.

1. There are no vacant rooms at the inn?

A: Anxious feeling.

2. There are no vacant rooms at the inn.

A: ?

3. Summer is here!

A: Excitement.

4. Summer is here?

A: ?

5. The time to take action has come!

A: ?

7. The time to take action has come.

A: ?

Will anyone help me?

For 5. I think it might be excitement. If you want, you can double check this on Open Study.

What about the others?

What are your thoughts about the others, Victoria?

4. I think its Confusion.

7. Sounds courageous maybe.

1. There are no vacant rooms at the inn?

To interpret the feeling or meaning that the end punctuation indicates, the first step is to understand the types of end punctuation marks. In this case, we have a question mark at the end, which indicates that the statement is a question.

So, when we read the sentence "There are no vacant rooms at the inn?", we can infer that the feeling or meaning conveyed is an uncertain or anxious feeling.

2. There are no vacant rooms at the inn.

In this case, the sentence ends with a period. A period indicates the end of a declarative or imperative sentence. Declarative sentences make statements or express facts, while imperative sentences convey commands or requests.

When we read the sentence "There are no vacant rooms at the inn.", we typically interpret it as a simple statement of fact without any specific feeling or meaning attached to the end punctuation.

3. Summer is here!

The sentence here ends with an exclamation mark. An exclamation mark indicates strong emotion or excitement.

Therefore, when we read the sentence "Summer is here!", we can infer that it conveys a feeling of excitement or joy.

4. Summer is here?

The sentence ends with a question mark, indicating a question.

When we read the sentence "Summer is here?", it can be interpreted as conveying uncertainty or seeking confirmation. In this context, it could be questioning the truth or timing of the statement "Summer is here." However, without further context, the feeling or meaning is not clear.

5. The time to take action has come!

The sentence ends with an exclamation mark, indicating strong emotion or excitement.

Consequently, when we read the sentence "The time to take action has come!", it conveys a sense of urgency or enthusiasm.

6. The time to take action has come.

The sentence ends with a period, indicating the end of a declarative or imperative sentence.

When we read the sentence "The time to take action has come.", it typically suggests a calm or matter-of-fact statement without any specific feeling or meaning attached to the end punctuation.