If you consider The Call of the Wild to be an allegory, which one of the following statements would be true?

A. Judge Miller represents the primordial condition.
B. Buck represents some characteristic of humanity.

C. John Thornton represents the civilized world.

D. The book is a story about the need for socialism.

2. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell from him"?

A. Buck has lost a lot of hair in his fight with Spitz.
B. Buck is learning to love a human being again.

C. Buck is losing his civilized characteristics.

D. Buck longs to return home to the Judge's family.

3. The survival of the fittest is an idea promoted by

A. Carl Jung.
B. Friedrich Nietzsche.

C. Charles Darwin.

D. Karl Marx.

4. In Buck's thinking, the "noblest" prey of all is

A. another dog.
B. a very fast rabbit.

C. a moose.

D. man.

5. The Yukon is the main _______ for this story.

A. symbol
B. genre

C. plot

D. setting

6. How did John Thornton die?

A. He died from frostbite to his feet.
B. He was killed by a group of wild wolves.

C. He was killed by Native Americans.

D. He died in the river rapids.

7. What does Buck often dream of as he sleeps by the campfire?

A. Judge Miller's home
B. Primitive man

C. John Thornton

D. His fight with Spitz

8. The term racial unconscious means that

A. we're all racists at heart to some degree, even though we're unaware of it.
B. each species and culture shares ancient memories, stored in the unconscious part of the mind.

C. you must learn the law of club and fang to survive.

D. nature weeds out the weakest and unfit.

9. What happens the first time Buck is beaten?

A. He learns he has to obey men, but decides never to surrender inside.
B. He has his spirit as well as his body crushed.

C. He learns that he can't get away with stealing another dog's food.

D. He swears that he'll someday have his revenge on Spitz.

10. The term hierarchy refers to

A. a team in which everyone is equal and has to pull his or her own weight.
B. a power structure in which each member knows his or her own place.

C. a situation in which higher species such as men will always be in control of lower species such as animals.

D. a condition in which the weak must die so the strong can survive.

11. The purpose of the expedition Buck takes with Thornton and his partners is to

A. search for a gold mine.
B. find a new camp.

C. deliver mail.

D. hunt for food.

12. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, Jack London writes, "In vague ways he remembered back to the youth of the breed." This statement is an example of

A. the will to power.
B. natural selection.

C. survival of the fittest.

D. the racial unconscious.

13. What breed of dog is Buck?

A. St. Bernard and Scotch shepherd mix
B. Husky and Scotch shepherd mix

C. St. Bernard

D. Husky

14. Mercedes's luggage is a symbol of

A. her party's inexperience.
B. civilization.

C. her domination.

D. her selfishness.

15. What word best describes the relationship between Buck and John Thornton?

A. Friendship
B. Trust

C. Attachment

D. Love

16. The death of Curly is an example of

A. the theory of evolution.
B. racial unconsciousness.

C. the law of club and fang.

D. the will to power.

17. The will to power is symbolized by

A. Buck's killing Spitz.
B. Hal's arguing with Charles.

C. Thornton's rifle.

D. Buck's becoming friends with Thornton.

18. Frangois and Perrault are

A. gold diggers from California.
B. dog trainers from Alaska.

C. agents of the Canadian government.

D. drivers of the mail train.

19. Who saves Buck from impending death at the hands of Hal?

A. John Thornton
B. Judge Miller

C. Frangois

D. Perrault

20. Which one of the following words best describes Hal, Mercedes, and Charles?

A. Sensitive
B. Frightened

C. Prepared

D. Inexperienced

And what is your thinking? We will be happy to critique your work. This is a great book.

1)b 2)c 3)c 4)d 5)b 6)c 7)b 8)b 9)a

10)c 11)a 12)c 13)a 14)b 15)d 16)d

17)a 18)c 19)a 20)d

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.D

1)B 2)C 3)C 4)D 5)D 6)C 7)B 8)B 9)C

10)B 11)A 12)C 13)A 14)B 15)D 16)C
17)A 18)D 19)A 20)D

1. If you consider The Call of the Wild to be an allegory, the true statement would be: B. Buck represents some characteristic of humanity. This means that Buck's journey and experiences throughout the story can be seen as representing certain aspects or traits of human nature.

2. To understand what is meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell from him" on page 14 of The Call of the Wild, it is important to consider the context of the story. In this case, the true statement would be: C. Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. This phrase suggests that Buck is gradually shedding the traits and behaviors he acquired from domestication and reverting back to his wild instincts.

3. The idea of "survival of the fittest" is promoted by: C. Charles Darwin. This concept, often associated with natural selection and evolution, was introduced by Darwin in his book "On the Origin of Species."

4. In Buck's thinking, the "noblest" prey of all is: D. man. Throughout the story, Buck comes to see humans as the ultimate challenge and prey to conquer. This reflects the predatory nature and survival instincts of wild animals.

5. The Yukon is the main: D. setting for this story. The setting refers to the physical location and environment in which the story takes place, and in The Call of the Wild, the Yukon region of Canada is a significant and central setting.

6. John Thornton died: A. He died from frostbite to his feet. This event occurs in the later part of the story when Thornton and Buck are on an expedition and face various challenges and hardships.

7. In Buck's dreams by the campfire, he often dreams of: B. Primitive man. These dreams reflect Buck's ancestral memories and instincts, reminding him of his wild nature and the primitive world he originally comes from.

8. The term "racial unconscious" means that: B. each species and culture shares ancient memories, stored in the unconscious part of the mind. This term suggests that certain primal, instinctive memories and behaviors are shared by all members of a species or culture, even if they are not consciously aware of it.

9. The first time Buck is beaten, he learns that: A. He learns he has to obey men, but decides never to surrender inside. This event marks a turning point for Buck, as he realizes that he must adapt and submit to human authority in order to survive.

10. The term "hierarchy" refers to: B. a power structure in which each member knows his or her own place. This term describes the organization of a group or society where there is a clear ranking or order of authority and subordination.

11. The purpose of the expedition Buck takes with Thornton and his partners is to: C. deliver mail. This expedition serves as a means for Thornton and his partners to transport mail and supplies to remote locations in the wilderness.

12. The statement "In vague ways he remembered back to the youth of the breed" on page 14 of The Call of the Wild is an example of: D. the racial unconscious. This phrase suggests that Buck has ancestral memories and instincts from his breed's past that influence his behavior and actions.

13. Buck is a: B. Husky and Scotch shepherd mix. Buck's breed is a mix of Husky and Scotch shepherd, which contributes to his physical and behavioral traits.

14. Mercedes's luggage is a symbol of: D. her selfishness. In the story, Mercedes's excessive and impractical luggage represents her self-centeredness and lack of consideration for others.

15. The word that best describes the relationship between Buck and John Thornton is: A. Friendship. Buck and John Thornton develop a deep bond and friendship throughout the story, marked by trust, loyalty, and mutual affection.

16. The death of Curly is an example of: C. the law of club and fang. Curly's death, caused by the brutal nature of other dogs, illustrates the harsh and brutal law of survival in the wild, where weaker animals are often eliminated by stronger ones.

17. The will to power is symbolized by: A. Buck's killing Spitz. The concept of the will to power, which suggests the inherent drive for dominance and superiority, is exemplified by Buck's conquest of Spitz, another dog in the pack.

18. Francois and Perrault are: B. dog trainers from Alaska. Francois and Perrault are experienced dog drivers/ trainers who work in the Yukon and are responsible for harnessing and managing the sled dog team.

19. Buck is saved from impending death at the hands of Hal by: A. John Thornton. John Thornton intervenes and saves Buck from the mistreatment and abuse by Hal, one of the inexperienced and reckless members of the group.

20. The word that best describes Hal, Mercedes, and Charles is: D. Inexperienced. Hal, Mercedes, and Charles are depicted as inexperienced and unprepared individuals who lack the necessary skills and knowledge for survival in the harsh wilderness.