Which of the following describes literary analysis? Need help Please.

A.writing that is vague and uncertain
B.a central message about life
C.determining the meaning behind events and characters’ actions
D.written directions about how the actors sound and behave

I'm from 3 years In the future

Im a few days from the future >:)

Also the answer is C trust me i did it got it right for connexus students only

I'm guessing it is D.

any answers for the whole practice?

The correct answer choice that describes literary analysis is C. determining the meaning behind events and characters' actions.

To understand why this is the correct answer, let's break down the other answer choices:

A. Writing that is vague and uncertain: This answer choice does not accurately describe literary analysis. Literary analysis is about interpreting and analyzing literature, not about writing style.

B. A central message about life: While analyzing literature can often involve identifying themes or messages, this answer choice is too specific and does not encompass the entire concept of literary analysis.

D. Written directions about how the actors sound and behave: This answer choice refers to stage directions, which are typically found in plays, rather than literary analysis.

Now, let's examine answer choice C. Determining the meaning behind events and characters' actions: Literary analysis involves closely examining a work of literature to understand the deeper meaning behind the events, symbolism, and characters' actions. It requires analyzing various literary elements, such as plot, setting, characterization, and themes, to interpret the author's intentions and messages.

To arrive at the correct answer, you can eliminate incorrect answer choices by understanding their definitions or by using the process of elimination. In this case, eliminating options A, B, and D helps you determine that C is the most accurate description of literary analysis.

Um I don't think... the bot is not gonna answer you if you're answering this question.

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