An architecture provides a framework within which to identify, design, code

and test the components or subsystems required for your game. It is necessary
to know the purpose of each subsystem, what they exactly do, and which other
subsystems they communicate with and how they interface with those
One potential Game Architecture identifies three (3) primary subsystems (each
of which of can be further subdivided into their own subsystems):
• The game Application Layer deals with the hardware and the operating
• The Game Logic Layer manages your game state and how it changes
over time.
• The Game View Layer presents the game state with graphics and
(i) Describe, in detail, the purpose of the Game Logic Layer and how it
interfaces to the other two primary subsystems.

(ii) The Game Logic Layer could be designed to incorporate an Event
Management component. Explain the advantage(s) of employing an
Event Based Architecture. Provide a simple example of how the Event
Management component interacts with other components in this

(iii) Identify two other components that may be included in the Game Logic
Layer. Describe their purpose and the role they play within this

(i) The purpose of the Game Logic Layer is to manage the game state and how it changes over time. It acts as the brain of the game, making decisions, enforcing rules, and handling interactions between different parts of the game. This layer interfaces with the other two primary subsystems, the game Application Layer and the Game View Layer, in the following ways:

- In terms of the game Application Layer, the Game Logic Layer communicates with the hardware and the operating system to access input devices like keyboard, mouse, or touch screen. It receives input from these devices, such as player actions, and interprets them to determine how the game state should be updated. It then sends the updated game state to the Game View Layer for presentation.

- In terms of the Game View Layer, the Game Logic Layer provides the necessary data and information for the presentation of the game state with graphics and sound. It determines what graphics, animations, and sound effects need to be displayed or played based on the current game state. The Game Logic Layer also receives input from the Game View Layer, such as user interface interactions, to update the game state accordingly.

(ii) Employing an Event-Based Architecture in the Game Logic Layer can provide several advantages. An Event Management component can help in handling various game events efficiently and decoupling different components from each other. Here's a simple example of how the Event Management component interacts with other components in this architecture:

Let's say we have a game where multiple entities can collide with each other. When a collision occurs, an event is triggered. The Event Management component in the Game Logic Layer would be responsible for receiving and processing these collision events. It would then notify the appropriate components, such as the physics engine, the scoring system, and the sound manager, about the collision event.

The advantage of using an Event-Based Architecture is that it allows for a flexible and loosely coupled system. Components don't need to have direct knowledge of each other, reducing dependencies and making it easier to extend and modify the game. For example, if we want to add new functionality like a power-up system, we can simply introduce a new component that listens for power-up events and reacts accordingly, without altering the existing components.

(iii) Two other components that may be included in the Game Logic Layer are the AI (Artificial Intelligence) component and the Game Rules component:

- The AI component is responsible for controlling and simulating non-player characters (NPCs) in the game. It handles decision-making, pathfinding, and interactions with the player and other NPCs. The AI component interfaces with the Game Logic Layer by accessing the game state and making decisions based on that state.

- The Game Rules component defines the rules and parameters of the game. It enforces restrictions, determines win/lose conditions, and manages game progression. The Game Rules component interfaces with the Game Logic Layer by providing the necessary rules and constraints that the logic layer should follow when processing events and updating the game state.