I need help with these assignments.

"Write a program to read a list of exam scores (integers in the range 0 to 100) and to output the total number of grades and the number of grades in each letter-grade category (90 to 100 = A, 80 to 89 = B, 70 to 79 = C, 60 to 69 = D, and 0 to 59 = F). The end of the input is indicated by a negative score as a sentinel value. (The negative value is used only to end the loop, so do not use it in the calculations.) For example, if the input is

The output would be
Total number of grades=14
Number of A’s=1
Number of B’s=4
Number of C’s=6
Number of D’s=2
Number of F’s=1"

"Write a Rectangle class.
This class represents Rectangles. Each Rectange has the X and Y coordinates of its center point (as doubles) and its width and height (as double values, too). No other values should be stored! This means no area, no perimeter!

The class should have the following constructors and methods:
1. a constructor that takes X, Y, width, and height as arguments;
2. a constructor that takes only width and height as arguments;
3. a default constructor;
4. a method setCenter that takes X and Y as arguments;
5. a method setWidth that takes a width value;
6. a method setHeight that takes a height value;
7. a method getX that returns the X coordinate;
8. a method getY that returns the Y coordinate;
9. a method getWidth that returns the width value;
10. a method getHeight that returns the height value;
11. a method getArea calculates the area of the rectangle and returns it;
12. a method getPerimeter it calculates the perimeter of the rectangle and returns it;
13. a method toString that creates a String that includes the X, Y center coordinates, width, and height, and returns the string. This method does not use System.out.println() itself. It returns a String value to the caller.

Write an application (RectangleTest.java) to test your Rectangle class.
Your Application should test all the constructors and methods."

a constructor that takes X, Y, width, and height as arguments;

: 2. a constructor that takes only width and height as arguments;
: 3. a default constructor;
: 4. a method setCenter that takes X and Y as arguments;
: 5. a method setWidth that takes a width value;
: 6. a method setHeight that takes a height value;
: 7. a method getX that returns the X coordinate;
: 8. a method getY that returns the Y coordinate;
: 9. a method getWidth that returns the width value;
: 10. a method getHeight that returns the height value;
: 11. a method getArea calculates the area of the rectangle and
: returns it;
: 12. a method getPerimeter it calculates the perimeter of the
: rectangle and returns it;
: 13. a method toString that creates a String that includes the X, Y
: center coordinates, width, and height, and returns the string. This
: method does not use System.out.println() itself. It returns a String
: value to the caller.
: Write an application (RectangleTest.java) to test your Rectangle
: class.
: Your Application should test all the constructors and methods."
: "Write a program to read a list of exam scores (integers in the
: range 0 to 100) and to output the total number of grades and the
: number of grades in each letter-grade category (90 to 100 = A, 80 to
: 89 = B, 70 to 79 = C, 60 to 69 = D, and 0 to 59 = F). The end of the
: input is indicated by a negative score as a sentinel value. (The
: negative value is used only to end the loop, so do not use it in the
: calculations.) For example, if the input is
: 98
: 87
: 86
: 85
: 85
: 78
: 73
: 72
: 72
: 72
: 70
: 66
: 63
: 50
: -1
: The output would be
: Total number of grades=14
: Number of A’s=1
: Number of B’s=4
: Number of C’s=6
: Number of D’s=2
: Number of F’s=1"

To help you with the assignments, let me explain step-by-step how you can approach each task.

For the first assignment, which involves writing a program to read exam scores and calculate the number of grades in each letter-grade category, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by creating a program in a programming language of your choice (such as Java or Python).

2. Implement a loop that will repeatedly prompt the user for an exam score until a negative value is entered (the sentinel value).

3. Inside the loop, store each score in a list or array.

4. After the loop ends, calculate the total number of grades by finding the length of the list or array.

5. Iterate through each score and categorize it into letter grades based on the given ranges (90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, 0-59 = F). Use counters to keep track of the number of grades in each category.

6. Finally, output the total number of grades and the number of grades in each letter-grade category.

For the second assignment, which involves creating a Rectangle class and writing an application to test it, here's what you can do:

1. Create a new class called "Rectangle" in your preferred programming language.

2. Inside the Rectangle class, define instance variables to store the X and Y coordinates of the center point, as well as the width and height of the rectangle. Only these values should be stored, not the area or perimeter.

3. Implement various constructors to handle different ways of creating a Rectangle object. For example, you can have a constructor that takes X, Y, width, and height as arguments, another constructor that takes only width and height as arguments, and a default constructor.

4. Implement setter methods (setCenter, setWidth, setHeight) to modify the values of the rectangle's attributes.

5. Implement getter methods (getX, getY, getWidth, getHeight) to retrieve the values of the rectangle's attributes.

6. Implement a method (getArea) to calculate and return the area of the rectangle based on its width and height.

7. Implement a method (getPerimeter) to calculate and return the perimeter of the rectangle based on its width and height.

8. Implement a toString method that creates a string representation of the rectangle, including the X and Y center coordinates, width, and height. This method should return the string representation, not print it.

9. Create a separate class called "RectangleTest" to test the Rectangle class.

10. Inside the RectangleTest class, create instances of Rectangle using different constructors and test the various methods of the Rectangle class.

11. Verify that the values returned by the methods match your expectations and the calculations are correct.

By following these steps, you should be able to complete the given assignments. Let me know if you have any further questions or need assistance with specific parts of the tasks.