Company ABC offers a series discount of 20%,10% and 4% on a type of water filter while company XYZ offers a single discount of 32% on the same type of water filter. Which company offers a greater discount on its merchandise assuming the list price is the same ?

is that my method is true to solve this question



I answered this for you already

I counted about 8 problems dealing with series of discounts, plus numerous questions that have been
answered dealing with compound interest.
I don't see a single reply by you or even a response indicating that you are even looking at our answers.
Frustrating to spend time answering your questions , not even knowing if somebody is looking at the answers .

"fizz" has also posted as "bella twins" and "amy" below.

Sounds like a DIFM game-player to me!

Your method is almost correct, but there is a small mistake in the calculation of the discount rate for Company ABC. The correct calculation should be:

Discount rate for Company ABC = 1 - (1 - 0.2)(1 - 0.1)(1 - 0.04) = 1 - (0.8)(0.9)(0.96) = 1 - 0.6912 = 0.3088

Discount rate for Company XYZ = 1 - 0.32 = 0.68

So, the correct comparison is:

Company ABC offers a 30.88% discount (approximately) on the water filter, while Company XYZ offers a 32% discount on the same water filter. Therefore, Company XYZ offers a greater discount on its merchandise.

Your method is incorrect for calculating the discount. The formula you have used: 1 - (1-0.2)(1-0.1)(1-0.04), is not applicable in this case because it assumes that the discounts are compounded.

To compare the discounts offered by Company ABC and Company XYZ, we need to calculate the final price of the water filter after applying the respective discounts.

Discount offered by Company ABC:
1. Calculate the discount percentage: 20% + 10% + 4% = 34%
2. Calculate the final price after applying the discount: List price * (1 - 0.34)

Discount offered by Company XYZ:
1. Calculate the discount percentage: 32%
2. Calculate the final price after applying the discount: List price * (1 - 0.32)

By comparing the final prices, you can determine which company offers a greater discount.