1.hw many 3 digit nos are divisible by 7?

2.wat is d sum of product and quotient of 8 & 8?
3.if d average(arithmetic mean)of 25,31 and x is 3.value of x?

smallest 3 digit number divisible by 7 is 112

largest 3 digit number divisible by 7 is 994

look at the arithmetic sequence
112, 119, .... 987 , 994
how many terms are there?
a=112, d = 7
term(n ) = a+(n-1)d
994= 112 + (n-1)(7)
882 = 7n - 7
889 = 7n
n = 127

2. really!?
(I will assume "d" is supposed to be "the". We still use proper English on this site)

3. (25+31+x)/3 = 3
easy to solve for x , expect a negative value for x

How can 112 be the smallest? 112-99 > 7

Good catch Steve, the smallest 3-digit number divisible by 7 is 105

So count one more, 128 of them

1. To find the number of three-digit numbers that are divisible by 7, we need to determine the range of three-digit numbers and count how many of them are divisible by 7.

The range of three-digit numbers is from 100 to 999. To find the count of numbers divisible by 7 within this range, we can use the formula:
(count of divisible numbers) = (highest number - lowest number) / (divisor) + 1.

In this case, the highest three-digit number is 999, the lowest three-digit number is 100, and the divisor is 7.

Plugging these values into the formula, we get:
(count of divisible numbers) = (999 - 100) / 7 + 1 = 900 / 7 + 1 = 128.57 + 1 = 129.

Therefore, there are 129 three-digit numbers that are divisible by 7.

2. To find the sum of the product and quotient of 8 and 8, we need to calculate the product of 8 and 8, then add it to the quotient of 8 divided by 8.

The product of 8 and 8 is simply 8 multiplied by 8, which equals 64.

The quotient of 8 divided by 8 is 1, as any number divided by itself equals 1.

Now, we can find the sum by adding the product (64) and the quotient (1):
Sum = Product + Quotient = 64 + 1 = 65.

Therefore, the sum of the product and quotient of 8 and 8 is 65.

3. To find the value of x given the average (arithmetic mean) of 25, 31, and x is 3, we need to determine the sum of these three numbers and use the formula for the arithmetic mean.

The sum of 25, 31, and x is 25 + 31 + x.

The arithmetic mean is calculated by dividing the sum by the number of items, which, in this case, is 3.

According to the problem, the arithmetic mean is 3. Using the formula for the arithmetic mean, we can write the equation:
(25 + 31 + x) / 3 = 3.

To find the value of x, we can solve this equation by first multiplying both sides by 3 to eliminate the fraction:
25 + 31 + x = 3 * 3,
25 + 31 + x = 9.

Next, we combine like terms on the left side of the equation:
56 + x = 9.

To isolate x, we subtract 56 from both sides:
x = 9 - 56,
x = -47.

Therefore, the value of x is -47.