8. the net price of an item listed for RM1500 after deducting a trade discount of 20%, 15% and X% is RM969. FIND X

1500(1-.20)(1-.15)(1-x) = 969

x = 5

To find the value of X, we can use the formula:

Net Price = List Price - Trade Discount

List Price = RM1500
Net Price = RM969

Step 1: Calculate the trade discount
Trade Discount = (Trade Discount rate/100) * List Price

First Trade Discount:
Trade Discount1 = (20/100) * List Price
= (20/100) * 1500
= 300 RM

Second Trade Discount:
Trade Discount2 = (15/100) * (List Price - Trade Discount1)
= (15/100) * (1500 - 300)
= 180 RM

Step 2: Calculate X
Net Price = List Price - Trade Discount1 - Trade Discount2 - X

RM969 = 1500 - 300 - 180 - X

Rearranging the equation to solve for X:
X = 1500 - 300 - 180 - 969
= 51 RM

Therefore, the value of X is 51.

To find X, the unknown trade discount percentage, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the net price after the first trade discount of 20%.
Net price after the first trade discount = Initial price - (Initial price * 20%)
Net price after the first trade discount = RM1500 - (RM1500 * 0.20)
Net price after the first trade discount = RM1500 - RM300
Net price after the first trade discount = RM1200

Step 2: Calculate the net price after the second trade discount of 15%.
Net price after the second trade discount = Net price after the first trade discount - (Net price after the first trade discount * 15%)
Net price after the second trade discount = RM1200 - (RM1200 * 0.15)
Net price after the second trade discount = RM1200 - RM180
Net price after the second trade discount = RM1020

Step 3: Set up an equation to find X.
Net price after deducting all discounts = RM1020
Net price after deducting all discounts = RM1500 - (RM1500 * X%)

Step 4: Solve the equation for X.
RM1020 = RM1500 - (RM1500 * X%)
RM1020 = 1500 - (1500 * X/100)
RM1020 = 1500 - 15X
15X = 1500 - 1020
15X = 480
X = 480/15
X = 32

Therefore, X = 32. The trade discount percentage X is 32%.