Can someone check my answers for two and help me with the third?

1) A mass m at the end of a spring of spring constant k is undergoing simple harmonic oscillations with amplitude A.

Part (a) At what positive value of displacement x in terms of A is the potential energy 1/9 of the total mechanical energy?
x= A/3

Part (b) What fraction of the total mechanical energy is kinetic if the displacement is 1/2 the amplitude?
KE fraction= (3/4)

Part (c) By what factor does the maximum kinetic energy change if the amplitude is increased by a factor of 3?
KE'max / KEmax = ?

Part (c)9

a is A/3

The Answer is 9.

Can someone explain what formula is being used to come up with A?

A and B are correct and C is 9

Sure, let's take a look at part (c) together!

To solve this problem, let's first understand the relationship between the maximum kinetic energy (KEmax) and the amplitude (A) of the simple harmonic oscillator.

The maximum kinetic energy occurs when the displacement (x) is equal to the amplitude (A). So, KEmax is proportional to the square of the amplitude, or KEmax ∝ A^2.

Now, if the amplitude is increased by a factor of 3, the new amplitude (A') becomes 3A. Therefore, the new maximum kinetic energy (KE'max) can be related to the original maximum kinetic energy (KEmax) by the following equation:

KE'max / KEmax = (A')^2 / A^2

Substituting the values, we get:

KE'max / KEmax = (3A)^2 / A^2
KE'max / KEmax = 9(A^2) / A^2
KE'max / KEmax = 9

So, the maximum kinetic energy increases by a factor of 9 when the amplitude is increased by a factor of 3.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

To answer the third question about the change in maximum kinetic energy when the amplitude is increased by a factor of 3, we need to understand the relationship between kinetic energy and amplitude in simple harmonic motion.

In simple harmonic motion, the total mechanical energy is the sum of the kinetic energy (KE) and the potential energy (PE). The total mechanical energy remains constant throughout the motion. We can express this relationship as:

Total Mechanical Energy (E) = KE + PE

Given that the total mechanical energy is constant, any change in one component (kinetic or potential energy) must be compensated by an opposite change in the other component.

Let's consider the change in maximum kinetic energy when the amplitude is increased by a factor of 3. The amplitude (A) is directly related to the maximum displacement (x), so if the amplitude increases by a factor of 3, it means the maximum displacement will also increase by a factor of 3.

To determine the change in maximum kinetic energy, we can calculate the ratio of the new maximum kinetic energy (KE'max) to the original maximum kinetic energy (KEmax).

To find this ratio, we need to compare the kinetic energy at the maximum displacement for both cases. The maximum displacement occurs when the object is at the extreme ends of its motion (at x = ±A), where all the energy is in the form of kinetic energy.

Let's assume the original maximum kinetic energy is KEmax. With an amplitude of A, the maximum displacement is x = A.

Now, if we increase the amplitude by a factor of 3, the new amplitude will be 3A, and the new maximum displacement will also be 3A.

Therefore, the new maximum kinetic energy (KE'max) will be the kinetic energy at x = 3A.

To answer the question, we need to find the ratio KE'max / KEmax.

To calculate the kinetic energy (KE) at a given displacement (x), we need to use the formula:

KE = (1/2) * m * v^2

In simple harmonic motion, velocity (v) can be expressed as:

v = ω * √(A^2 - x^2)

where ω is the angular frequency given by ω = √(k/m).

To find the ratio KE'max / KEmax, we need to substitute the appropriate values for the original and new maximum displacements.

For the original case:
x = A (maximum displacement)

For the new case:
x = 3A (new maximum displacement)

By plugging these values into the formula for kinetic energy, we can determine the ratio KE'max / KEmax.

KE'max / KEmax = [(1/2) * m * (ω * √(A^2 - (3A)^2))^2] / [(1/2) * m * (ω * √(A^2 - A^2))^2]

Simplifying this expression will give you the answer, which represents the factor by which the maximum kinetic energy changes when the amplitude is increased by a factor of 3.